
Saturday, September 2, 2017

In the Moment by Jennifer Wilck #Interview

Blurb: Cassie Edwards, a former foster child, purchases an 1870s Victorian mansion, the one home from her childhood where she felt like part of a family. She’s spending her summer lovingly restoring it, with dreams of one day raising a family of her own here. Rayne Tucket, a photojournalist, is haunted by the death of his best friend in Afghanistan, a death he thinks is his fault. He survives day to day. Forever is not in his vocabulary. Swearing off photography, he answers an ad for a handyman—mindless, no emotion involved. As the two of them renovate her house, can Cassie show Rayne that love is strong enough to heal all wounds?

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What is your writing environment: I’m kind of a nomad, partly because moving around provides me with a distraction and partly because it helps me to think. Ideally, I write at my desk in the living room, which is covered with inspirational quotes and photos. But since I have a laptop, I move to the dining room when I want to eat and the family room sofa when I want to be comfortable. If it’s nice weather, I’ll sit on the deck under the umbrella. And of course, when my laptop battery runs out, I go wherever my charger happens to be at the moment.

Do you plan all your characters out before you start a story or do they develop as you write?: I usually have at least some inkling of my characters before I start writing. I’ll either hear dialog in my head or I’ll see a scene that they are in and write it down. Based on either of those two things, I start to get an idea of what my characters are like. For whatever reason, I’m usually more sure about the hero than the heroine. As I write, I learn more about both of them. And I use Roxanne St. Claire’s method of writing—write the first 100 pages and then go back and edit; write the next 100 pages and then go back to the beginning and edit; and then write to the end. This method allows me to catch up with my characters and fully understand them before I get to the end.

One of your favorite quotes.: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
What type of book have you always wanted to write?: I’ve always wanted to write a sweeping family saga based loosely on a story about my family. I’ve hesitated to write it, though, because of the amount of research it would require.

How did you get the idea for this particular novel?: There is an old Victorian mansion in the next town that was for sale and it had an open house. My daughters and I went and I fell in love with it—the architecture, the history, etc. Since I didn’t have a spare couple of million dollars lying around to purchase and decorate, I decided I’d have to write about it. So it became the setting of my newest book, out yesterday (September 1), In the Moment. The heroine grew up in foster care and the house is the one place she felt most at home. When she grew up, she bought it and is renovating it so that she can raise a family there.

Flirting Questions 

Which actor or book character do you have a crush on? Way too many to name!

What’s your favorite body part of the opposite sex? Arms and hands.

Hey, baby! What’s your sign? Pisces

When was your last kiss? Earlier today, with my husband.

How did you meet your significant other? We met in Alpha Phi Omega at Washington University in St. Louis.

Flirting Quickies: 

Boxers or Briefs? Boxers

Facial hair or clean shaven? Clean

Alpha or Beta? Combination

Planner or Panster? Pantser

White wine or red? Red

Coffee or tea? Both, depending on time of day

Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate of course

Sleep in or get up early? Sleep in!

Laptop or desktop? Laptop
Winter or summer? Summer, I hate being cold
Cat or dog? Dog
Twilight or Fifty Shades? Twilight
Spotlight or In the Shadows? In the shadows (aka, power behind the throne)
City or Country? City
Clubbing or candlelight dinner? Candlelight dinner
Backpacking or luxury hotel? Luxury hotel
Morning or night person? Mid afternoon?
Optimist or pessimist? I think I’m an optimist, but my husband thinks I’m a pessimist


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me, Melinda!

  2. I love old houses and can see how working side-by-side renovating a Victorian could bring Cassie and Rayne together. Be a different story if my husband and I were doing the renovation! I'd probably hit him with a hammer. Or at least want to!
    Your book sounds like an emotional renovation definitely worth reading!

    1. Ha! My husband and I would have the same problem--and actually have, although we just yell. :) Thanks so much for stopping by, Sandra!

  3. I love this post!!
    So many things appeal to me, especially the book's plot and the cover art is glorious. Of course, it's from TWRP!
    best of luck with this venture, Jennifer

    1. Thanks so much, Kat--I am in love with the cover too.

  4. Really nice cover, Jennifer. I like your idea about writing the first 100 pages and then going back, etc. Even if I do a lot of planning, things will change during the writing and I'll need to readjust. Good luck with your new release!

    1. Hi Jana. When I heard that advice, I wasn't sure about it, but having tried it on several manuscripts, I'm a total convert. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Interesting way you came up with the topic for your new release. There are so many stories in old houses. Best of luck.

    1. It's one of those "if these walls could talk..." Thanks for visiting, CB!

  6. Hi Jen,

    LOL, I'm a mid-afternoon person myself. I don't like getting up early and I don't like staying up late! :)

    Started "In the Moment" last night...had to put it down when my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer, but it was with reluctance. Can't wait to get back to it tonight! Another winner...

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